Signature Analysis Service
Our signature is that aspect of ourselves that we present to the public. Just like what we wear or say creates our image in the public eye, in the same way our signature too is a depiction of our public image.
This is yet another very simple technique that can help in altering your public image almost effortlessly.
Signature Analysis Session:
- You would be asked to make your current and any past signatures in front of the healer.
- The healer would discuss about your current situations and future expectations on the basis of which appropriate corrections or an entirely new signature would be suggested.
Tips for a Positive Signature
- Dimension or size of the signature
- Relationship between signature and text
- Legibility
- Predominant shape of the signature
- Location of the signature
Signature Analysis Personality
Signature Analysis Personality. The text symbolizes the way in which we conduct ourselves in life and how we wish to be identified. It is the image we present before others. The text is studied through the graphical aspects that we have mentioned several times, layout, shape, dimension, slant, speed, continuity and pressure that will reflect who we are today in our present situation and will also allow to infer the future behaviour.