Name Analysis

Your name is extremely important. Your name is your life!

Understanding their strengths & weaknesses

Satvvikaa Healing Place draws on over 5 years of research and experience in providing name analysis, which offer invaluable benefit to people in understanding their strengths and weaknesses both mentally and physically.

success, curve, hand

The Hidden Power of a Name!

Mind and thought have their origin in an abstract plane of conscious intelligence, which comes into manifest form through the symbols of language. The brain is not the source of the mind, but merely the physical instrument of the mind. When name is attached to an individual, certain specific forces of conscious intelligence are combined. 

Mental Characteristics

The mental characteristics of an individual can be read from the numerical formula representing the person’s name, just as the characteristics of a chemical compound can be read from its chemical formula.

Names with Identical Description

As you view various names, you may come across certain names which have the same description, for example, Dilip and Satyam. The explanation is that the names reduce to the same numerical formula. However, two people, one with the first name of Dilip and the other with first name of Satyam, would not have exactly the same characteristics or personality. A person’s surname, other nicknames and the date of birth all contribute to the many differences between individuals. These various additional factors strengthen or diminish the first name qualities.

For Name Analysis service