Money Manifestation

money, profit, finance

Identify Your Limiting Beliefs About Money

In order to activate the Law of Attraction in your life, you must identify and change your limiting beliefs about money. Throughout our lives, since childhood, we’ve created limiting beliefs about money that we’ve internalized over time and accepted to be true.” You’ve heard these limiting beliefs before.

They’re things like money doesn’t grow on trees and is therefore extremely difficult to acquire, or the idea that money can’t buy happiness, or the limiting belief that you can’t be rich and be a good person at the same time.

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Visualize Your Wealth as if You’ve Already Achieved it

Visualizing money as if you already have it can also create an abundance mind-set, as opposed to a mind-set of scarcity.

One of the big reasons why the wealthy have no problem getting richer is that they see the money they don’t have as something that is both abundant and acquirable, while at the same time, seeing the money they do have as a tool that can be used to make more money rather than something that has to be protected or saved.

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The Universe Will Provide You With More

Finally, remember that the universe will provide you with more of what you’re grateful for. Never underestimate the power of gratitude.

Ultimately, the things that you are grateful for will be the things that you tend to pursue with the most passion. Truly being grateful for something also tends to eliminate any limiting beliefs you have, and will make you more receptive to new opportunities.

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Be Thankful for the Money

Be thankful for the money that you have. Be thankful for every opportunity you get to make more money, and be thankful when those opportunities pay off.

No matter how much or how little money you are currently earning, an attitude of gratitude is essential if you want to earn more.