Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channelling energy into the seven chakras. When we talk about treating chakras we are referring to treating your energetic body. The body is not only made up of the physical body, we have an energy that extends beyond our physical wellbeing.

Benefits of Chakra Balancing

  • Better Health
  • Faster & Effective healing of your mental, physical, spiritual & emotional issues.
  • Better memory and communication skill.
  • Better self-esteem and self confidence
  • Improved and deeper sleep.
  • Increased Intuitiveness
  • Better channelling over your emotions & improved patience.

7 energy centres or chakras that run along the spine:

  • Root Chakra – Sits at the base of your spine or tailbone.
    Sacral Chakra– Two inches below your navel
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – three inches above your navel
  • Heart Chakra – at the heart
  • Throat Chakra – at the throat
  • Third Eye Chakra – in the middle of the eyebrows
  • Crown Chakra – top of the head

By balancing your Chakras you may be able to:

  •  Remain calm within your everyday life
  • See challenges for what they are, and not be as affected by them.
  • Overcome past life experiences which could have left their mark on you.
  • Help others without their problems affecting you.